Diamond demand to outstrip future supply!

Nov 24, 2023
Lucara Diamond
Lucara Diamonds – 1111ct and 813ct Stones

At the juncture of 3Q, 2023 Lucara Diamond Corporation appraised Diamond Market. According to the review, the longer-term outlook for natural diamond prices remains positive, anchored on improving fundamentals around supply and demand as many of the world’s largest mines reach their natural end of life over the next decade.

A slow recovery of economic growth in China and a voluntary import ban on rough diamonds into India has muted the recovery of rough diamond prices following a soft market in the first six months of 2023. Global economic concerns combined with increasing geopolitical uncertainty have resulted in a challenging market in Q3 2023 with demand reduced and downward pressure on pricing, especially in the smaller size classes.

With supply restricted by the largest producers, it is possible that a floor in pricing will be established that will benefit the broader market, including smaller producers, in late 2023.

Sales of lab-grown diamonds increased beginning in late 2022. Intense competition combined with improvements in technology continue to drive prices of lab grown diamonds down. Signs are emerging of financial instability of producers of lab-grown diamonds.

This further differentiates this market segment from the natural diamond market and highlights the unique nature and inherent rarity of natural diamonds. The longer-term market fundamentals for natural diamonds remain unchanged and positive, pointing to strong price growth over the next few years as demand is expected to outstrip future supply, which is now declining globally.

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