Fancy Diamonds Continue Solid Climb

May 15, 2023

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The Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF) announced the results of the Q1 2023 Fancy Color Diamond Index (FCDI). Following an increase of nearly 4% in 2022, the average price of all colors and sizes of fancy color diamonds continued to climb in Q1 2023 by 1.3%. This climb was in contrast to the quarterly trend in white diamonds of -2.8% and -17.6% over the previous 12 months.

Fancy Vivids across all color categories presented the highest increase (1.7%) in comparison to the Fancy Intense and Fancy categories which showed a moderate rise of 1.3% and 0.5% respectively. In Q1 2023, Yellows presented a more notable appreciation (2.1%) than Pinks (1.1%) and Blues (0.2%).

The Yellow segment rose overall by 2.1% in Q1 (6% in TTM), led by an increase of 2.5% in the Fancy Vivid category, and 2.0% in the Fancy Intense category. The highest increase was evident in the Fancy Vivid 10 ct category (4.8%), with Fancy Vivid 5 ct (4.0%) being the runner-up.  Fancy Vivid 3 ct (0.3%), Fancy 5 ct (0.3%) and Fancy 8 ct (0.2%) experienced the most modest gains for Yellows.

Pink diamonds rose overall by 1.1%, driven mainly by the Fancy Vivid and Fancy Intense categories, which both increased by 1.3%. The Fancy category was quite stable, climbing by only 0.3%. Interestingly, Fancy 1.5 ct was the only category which presented depreciation (-1.2%).

Blue diamond prices almost remained unchanged in Q1 2023 (0.2%) with the Fancy Vivid category (0.6%) outperforming the Fancy (0.2%) and Fancy Intense (-0.4%) categories. Fancy Vivid 3 ct and Fancy 2 ct presented the highest climb, 1.9% and 1.7%, respectively. The weakest result was evident in Fancy 1 ct (-1.4%).


FCRF Board member Ephraim Zion: “The price increases reflect the strong demand of yellow diamonds on the market as well as the strong competition in rough tenders. Despite some declines this quarter in White prices, Fancy diamonds are continuing to show stable demand.”

The Fancy Color Diamond Index is published by the non-profit Fancy Color Research Foundation (FCRF), tracking pricing data for Yellow, Pink, and Blue Fancy Color Diamonds in the major global trading centers – Hong Kong, New York, Geneva, and Tel Aviv.

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