SDC announces the diamond brand: Kīwētin!

Nov 02, 2023

the Fort a la Corne project diamondStar Diamond Corporation (SDC) announce the name of the winning diamond brand from over 1,000 names submitted in the Name our Diamonds, contest, which was launched on October 11, 2023.

The winning brand name Kīwētin, which is pronounced as; kee-way-tin, is derived from the Cree Nation language and translates into- north wind. This name is highly symbolic of the Fort à la Corne project area and the surrounding First Nations lands located in Northern Saskatchewan, where the climate is often characterized by strong winds from the north.

The trademark application for Kīwētin Diamonds has been completed.

Ewan Mason, Interim President and CEO of Star Diamond said, “We are excited about the further potential of the Fort à la Corne project and now that we have our own diamond brand, Kīwētin, we are confident that this diamond brand will be seen globally as the hallmark for high purity, conflict free, Canadian Diamonds.”

We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who participated in our naming contest and to Amy P., (formerly of Saskatoon) for her winning submission. Mr. Mason said, “The next year will be very busy while we advance this massive project for the benefit of our shareholders and bring economic benefits to all people of the Province of Saskatchewan.”

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