The second Russia-Africa Summit held

Aug 24, 2023

Alrosa highly appreciates the results of the Summit and the Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum. According to the company’s management, the event was aimed at developing a new global structure for future partnerships and joint work.

The unique conditions that have developed in the world today are accelerating the turn of Russia and Africa towards each other. The second Russia-Africa Summit that took place once again showed its effectiveness as a platform for the common interests of Russia and the entire African continent. Cooperation projects with African countries on such a scale have not been discussed in our country since the 1980s.

Alrosa has been working in Africa for 30 years, developing promising projects to find diamond deposits and build diamond mining facilities. All this time, our specialists have been transferring their accumulated experience, providing scientific, expert-technical and financial support to African partners.

Thanks to cooperation in the field of mining technologies in the Republic of Angola, back in the 90s, a modern diamond production was launched from scratch. Today Angola is one of the leading suppliers of diamonds to the world market. The country produces diamonds worth almost two billion dollars, and the diamond industry has become an important source of the country’s socio-economic development.

Cooperation with the Republic of Zimbabwe is currently being implemented through Alrosa’s investments in exploration and construction of diamond mining enterprises. The development of new diamond deposits will also allow Zimbabwe to take a leading role in the world market.

As part of the Summit and the Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum, Alrosa organized a round table dedicated to the sustainable development of diamond mining communities.

Pavel Marinychev, General Director of the company, also spoke at the session of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, talking about Alrosa’s approaches to adapting and mitigating the effects of climate change as part of the implementation of the Diamond Miner’s Sustainable Development Program.

In addition, bilateral meetings were held with heads and representatives of African delegations, heads of diamond mining companies and industry associations.

According to the head of Alrosa, the company highly appreciates long-term friendly relations with African countries and sees them as strategic partners and like-minded people at the leading international industry platforms. The company is ready to implement complex technological projects in the field of diamond mining that meet the mutual interests of Russia and Africa.

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