Advances in Gem & Diamond Research and Technology AGDRT – 2023

Oct 10, 2023

IMAGE 1AGDRT-2023 symposium programme started by rendering the National Anthem. The symposium was inaugurated by Shri Anoop Mehta, Chairman, GII and President, BDB. Shri Shyam Jagannathan, IAS, DG Shipping and Shri R.K. Mishra, IRS, Addl. DGFT and DC, SEEPZ were the guests of honour, and Prof. MS Ramchandra Rao, IITM, Chennai was the key-note speaker. Symposium proceedings started with lighting of the lamp by dignitaries. Dr. Reddy, Secretary, Organising Committee and CEO, GII set the context of the symposium by explaining the technical programme and urged the delegates and particularly young attendees to be scientifically alert and relevant, and take advantage of presence of the experts to interact. Abstract book was released by Prof. MS Ramchandra Rao.

IMAGE 2 2Shri Anoopbhai Mehta was extremely pleased to be associated with AGDRT-2023 and welcomed delegates from India and abroad. He highlighted the need for modern technology and research in the domain of gemstones and diamonds. He was happy that a common forum for entrepreneurs, experts, academics and researchers for communication was provided in the form of AGDRT-2023. He appreciated the reputed honourable guests for taking out time to share their views in the AGDRT-2023. He declared the symposium open and wished grand success to the event. Shri Mehul Shah, Vice President, BDB in his remarks appreciated GII and BDB personnel for tremendous efforts to make this event to happen and commended guests of honour and key-note speaker for prioritizing to attend AGDRT-2023.

IMAGE 3Shri R.K. Mishra, shared his vast experience in dealing with various situations encompassing financials to management, and urged the audience to inculcate “Dare to dream, Dare to fight and Dare to win” attitude. He told that this is not only applicable to the youth present here but also to the entire Nation. He told that innovations in any form is useful citing as an example the importance of packaging in every walk of life including diamond industry. He urged the gemstone community to have a resonating vision for the future of the industry. Shri Shyam Jagannathan described the historical progressive developments in the arena of gems and jewellery. He brought forward the example of how discovery of inclusions changed the course of gemstone history. He has explained the importance of determining elements present in trace levels using advanced techniques like LC-ICP-MS. He was happy that GII has setup a counter at SEEPZ to serve G&J industry.

IAMGES 5Prof. Rao in his key note address shared his expertise of more than four decades in diamond and diamond related research that was extended to Lab Grown Diamonds and various applications. He briefly shared his group’s research expansion. His talk encompassed HPHT and CVD facilities, applications of diamonds to various areas like quantum computing, semi and super conductivity and optical communications. Exploitation of NV centres, tuning of impurities for various applications, advantages of special properties of biocompatibility and radiation resistance of diamonds are some of the aspects that his group is working on. One of the major applications that attracted delegates was purification of water using diamond coated electrodes. He highlighted his Department’s continuous contributions to space programmes and inspired the audience to take up basic and applied research for improving the Nation’s quality of life. His talk was an apt example for fusion of scientific temperament and entrepreneurship skills.

On behalf of AGDRT-2023, Shri Anupbhai Zaveri, Managing Trustee, GII felicitated Guests of honour and the Key-note speaker. He then proposed vote of thanks to one and all.

IMAGE 6On the second day during first session, Shri CPS Chauhan, IRS, JDC, SEEPZ, SEZ, Mumbai participated in AGDRT-2023. He as an old Trainee of GII, felt happy to be part of AGDRT-2023. As he is not new to G&J industry as well as GII, he was immensely pleased with the Technical Content of the Symposium. He shared that GII was founded by Trade and stalwarts of G&J continue to guide GII. Shri Chauhan told that GII came forward to open a GII counter to test LGDs demonstrating their service to G&J Trade and are doing well. He wished that Government would consider funding to institutes like GII or IITs with reasonable funds to develop best equipment in India for India.

There were 14 talks by experts and 13 contributed papers by young researchers encompassing various R&D aspects of diamonds and gemstones. Besides there were 3 panel sessions on various topics relevant to G&J industry and trade. These were divided into 7 technical sessions and the symposium was attended by about 180 delegates during 3rd and 4th October, 2023. All the presentations were well received by the delegates and interactions between the delegates and experts have been very good meeting the purpose of arranging the symposium.


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