Natural Diamond Council (NDC) is committed to maintaining consumer trust by protecting them against misleading marketing that damages their trust and confidence. As a part of this commitment, Natural Diamond Council filed a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) to highlight terminology that we believe to be misleading by four UK retailers.
ASA upheld the complaint against Skydiamond, for misleading marketing and advertisement of laboratory-grown diamonds. This ruling also applies to Stephen Webster’s marketing of Skydiamonds’ laboratory-grown diamonds.
The ruling states that Skydiamond cannot use the terms “diamonds”, “diamonds made entirely from the sky” and “Skydiamond” to describe their laboratory-created diamonds in isolation without a clear and prominent qualifier. ASA also told Skydiamond “not to use the claim ‘real diamonds’ to describe, synthetic diamonds”.
The ASA said about the Action that, the ads must not appear again in the form complained about. We told The Sky Mining Company Ltd t/a Skydiamond not to misleadingly use the terms, diamonds, diamonds made entirely from the sky and Skydiamond to describe their synthetic diamonds in isolation without a clear and prominent qualifier, such as synthetic, laboratory-grown or laboratory-created, or another way of clearly and prominently conveying the same meaning to consumers . We also told them not to use the claim real diamonds to describe synthetic diamonds.