Gaetano Cavalieri, President of the World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO), has highlighted the foundational role played by the Turkish people over thousands of years in the development of the jewelry arts and tradition. Visiting Istanbul as a guest of the Turkish Jewellery Exporters’ Association and its President, Burak Yakin, he spoke both at the opening of the “Art For Jewellery – Inspiration Hub” at the Istanbul Jewellery Show on April 17, 2024, and on April 18, 2024, at the Turkish-Islamic Arts Museum, where a jewelry project called “Gleaming Heritage” was inaugurated.
“Art derives its unique value not only from the materials of which it is a comprised, but more particularly from the genius, the talent and the inspiration of the artists that create it,” he told the audience gathered at at the Turkish-Islamic Arts Museum, on April 18. “A piece of art cannot be disassociated from the human being that gave it life. But it is not only the individual human creator from which one cannot separate a piece of art. This is because artists are products of their own history, their own cultures, and the countries and traditions in which they have grown,” he continued.
The opening of the “Art For Jewellery – Inspiration Hub” was attended by Ö. Volkan Ağar, Deputy Minister of Trade of the Republic of Türkiye. The hub was organized with the support of the Istanbul Jewellery Show and the Turkish Jewellery Exporters’ Association, and created by industry consultants Aylin Gozen and Oznur Yakın.
In his address to the opening, the CIBJO President related to the theme selected for the show, “Are You Ready?”
“We live not only in a changing environment, but also in one where the rate of change is continuously accelerating,” he said. “There was a time when, faced with new technologies, new methodologies and new demands, a jeweler could say ‘I’ll leave that for my children to deal with – that’s a problem for the next generation.’ But such an approach no longer is an option