AWDC announces new elects board members!

Jun 20, 2024

Recently, Antwerp World Diamond Center (AWDC) held the election and now, the votes have been counted and the winners are known. Over 1309 individuals from Antwerp’s diamond industry casted their votes, a record turnout. “We want to thank each of them for taking the time out of their busy schedules and doing their part to help shape Antwerp’s future” said AWDC.

The six candidates with the highest number of votes are,

Category 1: 1. Isi Mörsel from Dali Diamonds Company – 25 votes & 2. Ravi Bhansali from Rosy Blue – 25 votes.

Category 2: 3. Prakash Bhagwanbhai Patel from Veediam – 47 votes, 4. Hitesh Bhimjibhah Kakadiya from Sheetal Europe – 34 votes

Category 3: 5. Chirag Shailesh Shah from Yashvi Diamonds – 377 votes, 6. Samir Sureshkumar Mehta from Snehdiam – 257 votes (Not shared any details+ image).

These dedicated individuals, alongside the six existing board members, will work tirelessly to support and advance the Antwerp diamond industry. They have already indicated key priorities such as restoring Antwerp’s reputation as a leading diamond trading center, ensuring transparent communication from the Board of Directors to all market participants, and continuing efforts to make business operations for diamond merchants straightforward and viable, including through the banking dossier.

In the row, expressing about the priority for AWDC, Ravi Bhansali, Rosy Blue NV said, “In my opinion, there are many challenges within the Antwerp diamond industry that need to be addressed by the next Board of Directors. For me, there are three themes that, if elected, I will put high on the priority list.

The first one is navigating G7 regulations by engaging in positive collaboration with Belgian & EU authorities, as well as with stakeholders across the global diamond trade, from mine to retail – while always respecting and supporting legal sanctions.

A second project that needs our full attentions is the development of a sustainable vision for Antwerp’s future, across the diamond and jewelry supply chain. For me this includes addressing issues such as banking and tax stability.”

While it is now know the six winners of the elections, the roles of president and vice president remain undecided. These positions will be determined at the next Board of Directors meeting scheduled to take place on Thursday, July 4. We will keep you informed as soon as those appointments have been made.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the voting process, and to the other candidates who, despite not being elected, deserve our heartfelt Merci. Let’s continue working together towards a prosperous future for our beloved diamond center!

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