AWDC board elections schedule on 17 & 18

Jun 15, 2024

AWDC 2Although Belgium has just wrapped up a thrilling election Sunday, election fever is peaking again in Antwerp. The reason? Another important election moment on June 17 and 18: the election of the members of the Board of Directors of the Antwerp World Diamond Centre (AWDC).

Six candidates representing the Trade sector are up for election early next week. Antwerp’s diamond industry stakeholders have the opportunity to cast their votes and select the candidates they believe deserve a place on the AWDC Board of Directors. The elected candidates will play a crucial role in devising and implementing AWDC’s policies, shaping the future of the diamond industry in Antwerp.

To assist voters in making an informed choice, all candidates were given the chance to introduce themselves and answer four key questions about their priorities for the Antwerp diamond industry and how they plan to contribute if elected.

Stay tuned for the results and see how the future of Antwerp’s diamond sector unfolds.

Candidates in Category-

A: Anjal Bhansali from Samir Gems,

2: Isi Mörsel from Dali Diamonds Company,

3: Ravi Bhansali from Rosy Blue,

4: Sahag Arslanian from Arslanian Group.

Candidates in Category- B:

1: Amit Arunbhai Shah from A.C. Diam,

2: Hitesh Bhimjibhai Kakadiya from Sheetal Europe,

3: Prakash Bhagwanbhai Patel from Veediam.

Candidates in Category- C:

1: Yaël Gutkind from Antwerp Cut Bv,

2: Chirag Shailesh Shah from Yashvi Diamonds Bv,

3: Ratnesh Ghandi from Dia 9,

4: Alain Zlayet from Zlayet & Sons Diamonds,

5: Samir Sureshkumar Mehta from Snehdiam,

6: Paul Chieveley-Williams from Diamwill.

Now, this is the time to vote for a candidate in your category on Monday June 17th and Tuesday June 18th, 2024 (between 9 am -12.30 pm and 1 pm – 4 pm) at AWDC!

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