Lulo Alluvial recovered 6th largest diamond

May 28, 2024

Lulo 195 cts diamond 2Lucapa Diamond Company Limited and its Lulo Alluvial Mine partners, Endiama and Rosas & Petalas are announces the recovery of a 195 carat Type IIa diamond from Lulo. The diamond is the sixth largest and the 44th +100 carat diamond to be recovered from the Lulo Alluvial operations since mining commenced in 2015.

The 195 carat Type IIa diamond is the fourth +100 diamond to be recovered at Lulo this year.

Lulo regularly produces large, premium Type IIa diamonds. To date, more than 35 +100 carat diamonds have been recovered from Lulo. The largest recorded diamonds in Angola’s history have been recovered at Lulo, they are the 4th February Stone (weighing 404 carats), an un-named 227 carat white diamond and the “Lulo Rose”, a 170 carat pink coloured diamond.

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