Myne Foundation support of female education

Jun 28, 2024

2 Myne London lapidarists 2Ethical emerald supplier, Myne London, has announced that its charity through their Myne London Foundation (MLF) has become an official supporter of Malala Fund to help girls’ access to education. Since 2018, Myne London has provided a traceable route to market for emeralds hailing from Swat Valley.

The business has focused on promoting women’s empowerment through access to education, training and skilled employment, supported by the region’s high-quality emerald melee, as well as the creation of Swat Valley emerald bespoke jewellery and collaborations with international jewellery brands and designers.

The Myne London Foundation, which receives 10% of all Myne London profits, was established in 2021 to offer a hand of support to those seeking access to education in the Myne London lapidary and emerald mining community. It hosted its inaugural fundraising event in London on March 19, 2022. As the Foundation’s core focus is on advancements in girls’ education, it has now chosen to become a supporter of Malala Fund and donate US $10,000.

Myne London co-founder Kate Murray Gordos says: “We are delighted to support the incredible work of Malala Fund by donating $10,000 from the Myne London Foundation…”

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