Jewellery & Watch Database hits in a record £3 billion

Jul 02, 2024

Jewellery Watch Database hits a record 3billionThe secure online jewellery and watch database e-Register celebrates a record £ 3 billion worth of registered items, incidentally coinciding with its 30th Anniversary.

e-Register was launched back in 1994, where it was built to protect and recover jewellery, watches and silverware items. Created by The Guild of Valuers & Jewellers as a complimentary database to their innovative valuation software, GuildPro. The e-Register database now holds in excess of £3billion worth of items with over 350,000 customers protected.

The secure online database centrally stores Guild Valuations; allowing Insurers, brokers and underwriters to view their client’s valuation portfolio before setting a premium or settling a claim. For jewellery owners, the database offers an opportunity to potentially assist in the identification and recovery process of their precious items. Lost or stolen items can be reported and registered as missing, whereby police forces are permitted access to search the missing item database with the intention to reunite items with their rightful owners.

Each e-Register valuation is created on GuildPro; the UK’s leading valuation software. GuildPro is a professional online valuation package designed by valuers for valuers.  Developed using the latest web technology, GuildPro offers a clean, up-to-date user interface making it the most effective tool in delivering an exceptional valuation service, producing comprehensive valuations with consistent ease.

In order to add a valuation to the e-Register database, it must be completed on GuildPro, either by The Guild of Valuers & Jewellers or by a member of their extensive network of independent GuildPro users.

Reaching and exceeding £3billion is a huge and exciting milestone for The Guild of Valuers & Jewellers who are proud to offer a complete, professional valuation service with additional protection and assurance to their customers.

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